Love Me, Play Me
February 17, 2022

Curated by Pondlife
πππππππ LOVE ME, PLAY ME πππππππ An evening of analog & digital games celebrating love of all kinds. Games for one, games for two, games for many.
Featuring: With You by Carol Mertz a cooperative two-player puzzle-playground designed as a collaborative, playful space for couples
Checkers 2: The Sequel to Checkers: It's About Girls This Time by d.h. croasdill a queer dating sim for two players & a checkers board
We Miss the Moon by Jason Guisao and Jude Pinto a short, experimental walking simulator about two lesbian girlfriends who are trying to find one another in a sea of disembodied voices
Grass Mud Horse by Toby Do, Emi Schaufeld, and Julia Wang a PS1 inspired first-person video game about what it's like to work on a film set
Good Sex by Danny Hawk a video game about communicating your way through a good session of sex
Pygmalion Lied by Isabella Ness and I. N. ArsΓ©n Learning how to mourn is hard enough on its own. Rediscovering a long-dormant truth along the way makes it all the more complicated.
Default Sunset by Fran Rojo vibe out and watch the default unity sunset
Get Your Rocks On by Sabine Harrer, Simon Johnson, Ida Marie Toft Get Your Rocks On is a game where you allow your idle hands to roll over each others' rocks.
π and π
No Smoke by Beau Mcghee and d.h. croasdill
Ending It by Karina Popp
RAIN / REIGN by Jude Pinto
and i made sure to hold your head sideways by Jenny Jiao Hsia
mamma mia: here we go again and again and again by d.h. croasdill
please talk to me by Easton Self
hubol got emotionally poisoned in Iowa by hubol
Best Friends by Julia Del Matto
fruitflesh by d.h. croasdill
be happy; luv ur rock by Katy Koop
novena by Cecile Richard